The Safety Side of the Xenon Gyrocopter.
Why the Xenon Gyro is the safest and best ultralight aircraft?
The Cabin of the Xenon is an engineering work of art - is made of composite materials in monocoque technology which means that it is structurally built in one piece of material, just like Formula 1 cars.
What is a monocoque?
The Cabin is the main component of the machine. All the other components are mounted around the cabin. The main task of the cabin is to provide an enormously strong shell shape where by all other parts are fixed. This provides a huge safety for pilot in the event of an accident because the cabin is capable of withstanding the load many times exceeding the acceleration of gravity.

Monocoque generally means a structure in which the forces are transmitted through the fuselage instead of rods and tubes or frame.
Our Xenon is one of the few in the world that uses a monocoque. In the most competitive construction it is done separately from steel or aluminum frame to which are affixed all the shell elements.
Our cabin is also equipped with a controlled crumple zones. The most important is nose of the cabin, which in the event of a collision with an obstacle absorbs all the energy to protect the legs and the body of the pilot. Another important crumple zone is the wall separating the cockpit from the Bulkhead engine area. It is a spatial structure reinforced with composite profiles.

Very important parts of the cabin structure are the "the ribs" as they have created an interesting safety feature. Raphael Celier is very keen observer, who likes to include features from nature in his design constructions. Another common practice of modern engineering is a technology we all know named "honey comb". This is reproduced in industry which is extremely sturdy. Again this is found in our construction of the Xenon. Similarly, a blade of grass or spider thread are carefully studied by scientists who try to imitate their strength and properties, and apply them to modern designs and technologies.
Raphael is also a fan of cinema and if you go back a few years we all admired the Jurasic Park and its computer-animated giant dinosaurs, when we experienced adventure with the heroes of the film, Raphael observed how the huge animals as they could move quickly. The result of these observations and thoughts is ... Xenon cabin mimic extremely durable the ribs the Tyranozaurus Rex.

The moment where theory meets practice are the strength tests. Celier Aviation together with the Institute of Aviation the Technical University of Warsaw conducted a comprehensive study of the strength of the cabin and the rest of the components. This confirmed the expected strength and to everyone's surprise award exceeded the expected standards.
Our cabin is the result of hundreds of hours spent on analysis, testing and verification of the concept in practice. Xenon cabin was built with a view to host large pilots. The constructor has given a priority for tall men and women to feel comfortable in the Xenon. Ergonomics and ease of use combined with ultra-modern solution technique is the main secret of Xenon.

Take for example the seat that is made from carbon composite and foam-filled cevlar. This is able to save our spine in a accident. The seats can also "crumple".
In the process of design, sketches and drawings are transferred to a computer with a modern CAD software, this technology it is possible to place the phantom in the middle of the draft and check the ergonomics of the machine before manufacturing a prototype.
Looking at the finished design you will not realize that virtually nothing was left to chance and every item is the result of many hours spent on the project.

The Mast is a vital part of the structure of our Xenon. During the design process, engineers have to reconcile some seemingly contradictory elements of the equation.
The main objective was to create a flying machine as the safest flying vehicle you can imagine.
The mast must be very sturdy because from it hangs the entire structure of the Gyrocopter and at the same time there must be a safety zone to avoid serious injury in the case an unexpected collision of the rotor with an obstacle. Based on the assumptions and structural stress tests we developed a profile that is able to reconcile the seemingly contradictory task.With the fulfillment of construction we can withstand overload mast stresses of several G and yet again it a specially designed "crumple zone".
The mast is designed so that in the event of an accident spinning rotor separated from the cab and injured the pilot. What an peace of mind for us!

The Chassis is simple design and connects the wheels and cabin, seemingly nothing special. It is also the fruit of calculations, tests of strength and priority objectives designed to maintain the security of both active and passive.
Xenon chassis is extremely wide - his spacing unparalleled in other Gyrocopters.
Its dimensions are above 2.20 m so that during taxiing and landing it is stable and predictable. Also the shape of the landing gear is not random, slightly gaping letter L is designed to absorb energy in the event of a sudden touchdown and save your body from damage.